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CONGRATULATONS Toppers for the Semester March-August, 2023, #BDFin

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CONGRATULATONS Toppers for the Semester March-August, 2023 #BDFin

Congratulations to Ashika K.C, a 4th-year BDFin student, and Pratima Wosti, a 3rd-year BDFin student, for achieving GPAs of 3.93 and 3.72, respectively, for the semester March-August 2023. Similarly, Ashutosh Jha, a 2nd-year BDFin student, and Shreyas Subedi, a 1st-year BDFin student, have achieved GPAs of 3.91 and 3.73, respectively, for the same semester.

National College, Dhumbarahi, Kathmandu affiliated to Kathmandu University – KU offers various programs , including

If you are interested in admission to any of these programs, you can reach out to them at 01-4520871 or email us at info@nationalcollege.edu.np

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#KathmanduUniversity #BachelorProgamsinNepal
#Psychology #DevelopmentStudies
#DevelopmentFinance #SocialSciences