Why National College?

Academic Excellence

The Kathmandu University Vice Chancellor’s Award (Gold Medal) is given to the bachelor level student who has the highest score among all the Bachelor degree’s programmes from all faculties of KU.

7 University Toppers | 1021 Graduates

Unique Courses in South Asia

National College established in 1996 is a pioneer institution in South Asia offering under-graduate studies in development field.

  • Bachelor in Development Studies (BDevS)
  • Bachelor in Development Finance (BDFin)
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences (BoSS)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (BPsych)

Kathmandu University Affiliation

We have been associated with Kathmandu University, one of the best universities for higher learning in Nepal since 1996. We are the only college offering courses on development studies, development finance and social sciences affiliated to Kathmandu University.

Centre for Development Studies

UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Center for Development Studies and Regional Cooperation Centre for Development Studies

Total enrolled International Students – 12
Current enrollment of International Students – 3


National College provides scholarship schemes under various categories.

  • KAS (Konrad Adenauer Foundation) Scholarships
  • SAF Madanjeet Singh Scholarship
  • Semester-Topper Scholarship
  • Needy and Diligent Scholarship

Research, Project Work and Grants

In the past four academic sessions (2019 to 2022) 88 research grants and financial assistance have been provided to students undertaking independent research activities on the basis of outstanding research proposals.

Field Studies

Students of National College visit various organizations, cultural heritage and historical sites all over Nepal for first hand practical learning experience. Because of the pandemic induced movement restrictions, the outdoor based field activities have been limited to one day field visits only.

International Students Exchange Program

Nepal Japan Students Exchange Nepal Japan Students Exchange Program, a joint initiative between National College, Waseda University and University of Sacred Heart, Tokyo, Japan has been in practice since 2006. From the year 2017, Sophia University, Tokyo too has become partner in this program.

The program conducts spring and summer projects in Nepal and Japan in March and August respectively.

211 Japanese Students visited Nepal

87 Nepalese Students visited Japan

Cross Cultural Learning Environment

Through Confucius Institute in Kathmandu University (CIKU), 17 National College students so far got opportunity to visit China for education, learning and cultural exchange. Also Paul Smith’s College collaborated with National College in 2019 to undertake research in tourism and environment. NC itself is a cross-cultural learning centre for SAF and other foreign students.

22 students visited China

14 US students visited Nepal

Global Internship & Opportunities

Students of National College have been provided with internship opportunities to organizations in Bangladesh, India, Thailand, and Philippines.

International Students at National College 

National College has been opted by a number of foreign students from all over the globe. From Germany, Switzerland, and Finland to Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Australia we have had 22 students (5 – Under semester abroad program) who have studied or are studying with us. This along with regular visiting faculties and guests from China, Canada, Bangladesh, Japan, India, and other countries help make NC a place for cross-cultural knowledge exchange resulting in an apt learning environment.

NextGen Youth Fellowship

National College intends to nurture the new generation through guidance and motivation to become more responsible towards society, culture, and environment they live in resulting in the formation of the NextGen Youth Fellowship (NGY). NGY is a fellowship program for the higher secondary youths conducted by National College in association with SAF Nepal, Youth Network for Social & Environmental Development (YONSED),Environmental Camps for Conservation Awareness (ECCA), and YUWA. This fellowship was started in 2014/15, and already there are 199 fellows from its seven batches.