Research Centric Approach

Much emphasis is given to enhance the research skills of the students. Curricula have been developed accordingly including subjects like statistics, research methods and proposal and report writing. These research skills are embedded through practical field studies in every semester from the beginning. Each field visit has a strong research component that students get to learn. These prepare the student for the final semester research based project work. 

Research grants

Besides encouraging students to apply for funds on their own, the college has also provided research grants to the final year students since 2010. The selection is done on a competitive basis by the National College Research Committee. Some of the themes included for these grants are: youth, women empowerment, project management, autism, education and rural development.

Project work

The final year students have to complete an independently done research based project work of 6 credit hours in the final semester. This is a major research activity of their four years spent at the college. This research is done under supervision of an expert/professional relevant to the research theme. A rigorous review by another external examiner is done at the final defense where the student presents his/her findings. This is the culmination of the student’s knowledge of the concerned subject and research skills learned at the college.

Student & Faculty Exchange Program

Nepal Japan Project

Since 2006, under this program, a student delegation from University of Sacred Heart, Waseda University and Sophia University in Tokyo and Graduate University of Advanced Studies (Sokendai) in Kanagawa under the Japan Asia Youth Exchange Program, accompanied by their professors, carries out research activities along with Nepalese students at different sites in Nepal.  This is followed up by a reciprocal visit of  Nepalese students to the respective universities in Japan. This program in turn is supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Government of Japan under the Sakura Science Plan. 

China Cultural Visit

Since 2014, a delegation of National college students has visited the Confucius Institute in Beijing as part of a broad understanding between the Confucius Institute at Kathmandu University (CIKU) and National College for academic and cultural exchange between the two countries. 

National Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bengaluru

NIAS and National College in 2023 have started collaboration for student and faculty exchange along with other important areas like internship, journal publication, and research collaboration. National College looks forward with much anticipation with regards this new partnership.

Erasmus Plus Program

From 2023, under the Erasmus Plus Program, an opportunity for students semester exchange has been created in partnership with the Palacky University, Olomouc in Czech Republic. We are very happy and excited about this exchange.

Journal & Publications

PDFs ..


All final year students go for internship in the penultimate semester before they plan for their final semester project work. Internships at National College are done both within Nepal and outside. Within Nepal, we encourage students to go for a stint at government organizations at their native place as much as possible. We also place them in institutions that work in their areas of interest both inside and outside the valley.

We take pride in having international partners and collaborations which help us in placing interested students for internships abroad. So far students have successfully completed their internships in Bangladesh, Thailand and Philippines. Plans are in the final stage to add India and Australia in the list from 2023.