College Day cum 28th Anniversary Celebration at National College, Dhumbarahi

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On May 22, 2024, National College, Dhumbarahi marked its 28th anniversary with a vibrant and memorable celebration held in the college premises. The event showcased the institution’s rich cultural heritage and academic excellence through a series of activities and performances, bringing together students, faculty, and distinguished guests.

The celebration began as students gathered in the seminar hall, directed by faculty and college staff. The Master of Ceremonies announced the commencement of the ceremony, inviting all attendees to take their seats. The event was graced by the presence of Associate Professor Ms. Ekku Maya Pun, Acting Dean of the School of Arts, who served as the Chief Guest. The ceremony was also attended by Chairman Prof. Dr. Badri Dev Pandey and Principal Madhav Prasad Neupane.

Following the National Anthem, Principal Mr. Madhav Prasad Neupane delivered a warm welcome address. The ceremonial lighting of the lamps by the Chief Guest and Chairman symbolized the beginning of the festivities.

The first cultural performance featured a mesmerizing dance by students Manjita, Mohita, Ritisha, and Aarati from the 3rd year BDevS and BDFin programs. This was followed by a heartfelt message of best wishes from Prashant Gautam, President of the National College of Student Society (NCSS). A significant highlight of the event was the honoring of Mr. Pramod Kumar Bhattarai and Mr. Janga Bahadur Hamal, esteemed faculty members recognized for their 15 years of dedicated service to National College. Associate Professor Ms. Ekku Maya Pun presented the honors, and Mr. Pramod Kumar Bhattarai delivered a speech on behalf of the honorees.

The celebration continued with an instrumental performance by Prashant and Sashank, also from the 3rd year BDevS and BDFin programs. The Chief Guest, Ms. Ekku Maya Pun, then addressed the students, sharing inspirational words and encouraging them to strive for excellence.

A second cultural dance performance by Jenny and Jyotsana, 1st-year students from the BPsych program, captivated the audience with their graceful movements. The event concluded with closing remarks from Chairman Prof. Dr. Badri Dev Pandey, who expressed his gratitude to all participants and attendees for making the celebration a success.

Refreshments were provided, with food boxes distributed to all attendees, bringing the celebration to a delightful end. The event was a testament to the strong community spirit and commitment to educational excellence at National College, Dhumbarahi.