
  • The Ganga river is in its purest form

    The Ganga river is in its purest form

    The Ganga river is in its purest form. The lockdown has revived the dissolved oxygen level in the river which has allowed the aquatic life to thrive. #Nationalcollege#didyouknow#sustainable#gangariver

  • Did you know?

    Did you know?

    Did you know? The Seti River is as natural as it can be. The lockdown means less human interventions and has turned out to be a blessing in disguise to the river and it’s surroundings. #didyouknow#sustainable#natureishealing#NationalCollege

  • How much you miss our field trips dear NCians?

    How much you miss our field trips dear NCians?

    How much you miss our field trips dear NCians? Picture taken during BDevS’ (batch 2017) field visit to Makwanpur, June, 2018

  • How are you spending your days?

    How are you spending your days?

    How are you spending your days? Doing anything productive? Share with us what has been your favorite passtime activity during this lockdown? #lockdowndays#NationalCollege#exploringhobby

  • Classes suspended from March 19, 2020 to April 4, 2020 due to COVID-19 !!

    Classes suspended from March 19, 2020 to April 4, 2020 due to COVID-19 !!

    Classes suspended from March 19, 2020 to April 4, 2020 due to COVID-19 !! In view of ongoing threat of Novel Corona Virus (COVID 19) and with all respect to the government’s latest decision on it, the college has decided to suspend all the classes being effective from March 19, […]

  • See you everyone tomorrow

    See you everyone tomorrow

    See you everyone tomorrow (Sunday) in below mentioned room numbers. PS: Classrooms unchanged for Wagle Saugat (BDFin II) and Rojeena Pokharel (BDevS I)